Friday, March 29, 2013
Common Core & What It Means For Your Child
I admit, I am just starting to look in to the standards of Common Core and what it means to the youth of America, but so far, what I have seen is just plain scary. Thanks to Michelle Malkin, and her excellent articles on this subject. Every parent should be reading her columns on this.
To quote Ze'Ev Wurman, longtime math advisory expert:
“I believe the Common Core marks the cessation of educational standards improvement in the United States. No state has any reason left to aspire for first-rate standards, as all states will be judged by the same mediocre national benchmark enforced by the federal government. Moreover, there are organizations that have reasons to work for lower and less-demanding standards, specifically teachers unions and professional teacher organizations. While they may not admit it, they have a vested interest in lowering the accountability bar for their members. …This will be done in the name of ‘critical thinking’ and ’21st-century’ skills, and in faraway Washington, D.C., well beyond the reach of parents and most states and employers.”
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Gun Control, Obamacare and Executive Actions - They Are All Related
There have been a couple of things happening in this country in the past few weeks that have kind of set me on edge. Maybe I am being paranoid, but really, I wouldn’t put anything past the Progressives in this country and the agenda that they are trying to push on to the American people.
First, the entire gun control issue, and the media hype and spin put to the tragedy at Sandy Hook. This was a terrible moment in our country’s history, to be sure, and I cannot imagine what the parents and family members of those who died that day must be going through.
But it seems as if this tragedy is once again being exploited by the media and those with an agenda. As Rahm Emanuel so famously said “Never let a tragedy go to waste.” The media and politicians immediately began calling for stricter gun laws and a ban on “assault weapons” and “assault rifles”. Not to mention that there is no such thing as an “assault weapon”, and “assault rifles” are a weapon used primarily by the military, and not available to the general public.
The President immediately came out with his “Executive Actions” – 23 of them in fact. At first, the reaction was “well, that wasn’t so bad – he didn’t actually BAN anything”. But if you read the wording of some of those “Executive Actions” in the context of how THEY can be used to ban owning guns, some of them are downright scary. Especially when you combine the Executive Actions, the Obamacare regulations, and some of the reports that have been coming from “Think Tanks”.
Let’s look at a couple of the Executive Actions…
#2: Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system. With this action, the government is overruling HIPPA, which was designed to give you privacy FROM the government. It basically turns your doctor into a snitch, where they HAVE to ask you about any guns that you own, and if there are any potential mental issues, that information will need to be reported to the government. If you are a Veteran suffering from PTSD, do you think that you would be eligible to have a gun once that is reported to the government?
#14 –‘ Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence.” Well, isn’t this handy. A think tank at West Point just came out with a report talking about how the “far right” is dangerous. There are numerous other reports which have come out lately which would more than support any findings that the “Tea Party” type is dangerous and terroristic.
#16 – “Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prevent doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.” This is basically a “fix” to something that Harry Reid had inserted into the Obamacare Act at the last minute, which specifically PREVENTED doctors from inquiring about guns in the home. Now we know EXACTLY how many members of Congress actually read the bill: 0. Also, see #2, above.
#17 – “Release a letter to health-care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law-enforcement authorities. This would be more appropriate for mental care providers – again, report to the government please. Also, if you are a Veteran, are you going to be so willing to seek any care that you might need if it means that you might lose your 2nd Amendment rights?
#20 – “Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental-health services that Medicaid plans must cover.” Not sure what this had to do with Gun Control, but I would be looking for some changes in what needs to be reported to the government.
#21 – “Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within ACA exchanges. Again, not sure what this has to do with gun control, but I am sure it will somehow tie into Mental Health issues, and who is and isn’t “qualified” to own a gun.
#23 – “Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental health.” I would expect to see, very soon, ads regarding guns and mentally ill persons. They will also try to tie “dissent” into some sort of mental disorder.
The government and the media have plenty of help in their quest to paint the conservative right as “terrorists”, “unstable” and “dangerous”. It has been happening for years.
We need to be aware of these coming attacks and counter them at every turn. We need to actively enlist doctors who will come out and speak against the demonization that we are about to endure. We all need to support ANY organization that supports the 2nd Amendment, and immediately cease to do business with any company that does not. (Groupon, I am calling you out). Make no mistake, those Executive Actions will turn into gun control, mark my word.
Be ready.