Where are the survivors of the Benghazi attack? Isn't it a little odd that the mainstream media, who after any kind of gun shooting, will discuss ad nauseum for days the victim's life stories, interview their friends, family, neighbors, co-workers... but they have been incredibly silent on the subject of the survivors of the Benghazi attack.
There WERE survivors. Suppsedly some of them are still in the hospital recovering from their injuries. The lack of interest from the media is stunning. Senator Jason Chaffetz, UT has tried numerous times to visit with these survivors, but the State Department has thwarted his every effort. They won't release how many survivors, where they are from, or where they are now. They won't even release this information to Congress. His challenge is now to the media... I can't get any answers, you try to figure this out.
Interesting, don't you think?
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